
「Hi ジャスティンです!
私は大阪在住6年で大阪に住みはじめてから英会話教師をしています。日本での生活を日々楽しんでます!日本の文化が大好きで、特にアメリカにはない温泉文化や日本の食文化そして日本人の精神にはいつも感動しています。私はアメリカ人なので、私のレッスンではアメリカらしいフレーズやアメリカ文化そしてアメリカンジョークなどを交えた楽しいレッスンを提供しています。生徒さんのレベルやご希望によって、ゆっくりはっきり聞き取りやすい英語でレッスンを提供できるので、生徒さんからも好評を頂いてます。また、ニューヨーク生まれニューヨーク育ちなので、本場NYでの実用的な英語や様々なシチュエーションに合ったイディオムやスラングなど’生’の英語を学べる様お手伝いも出来ます。Bond Englishのホームページをご覧頂きありがとうございます。是非無料体験レッスンでお会いしましょう!お気軽にご参加下さい。」
Hi my name is Justin and I’m looking forward to meeting you! I’ve been living and teaching in Osaka for six years and I love it! My favorite parts of Japan are onsen culture, the people, and the food. We have nothing like those three in America! I’m from New York so I promise our lessons will always have a little American culture, vocabulary, and humor included! Students often thank me for speaking slowly, and they usually tell me my English is easy to understand clearly. Being from NY, I feel I can bring you the most useful and popular phrases to help you improve quickly in many different situations. Thanks so much for visiting our site, and I’m looking forward to seeing you at your free trial lesson!」

About 10 years ago I visited japan for the first time. After another 3 trips to Japan, I fell in love with the country and decided I had to stay. I have been living and teaching English in Japan since 2009. Teaching is extremely gratifying, especially when I help students progress and develop confidence. As a teacher I'm patient , I don't rush, and I make sure students understand the lesson points clearly. When I'm not teaching I often go to a coffee shop and either study Japanese or read books. Whenever I can I go hiking in the beautiful Japanese mountains as I love spending time in Japan’s beautiful nature!

Hello and こんにちは!My name is Kathi, and I would be glad to help you with your English! My goal is to make my students become more confident in using the English language, and actively taking part in a conversation. I think free conversation is very important, so be prepared to talk a lot :) I am on a working holiday in Japan, I am very much enjoying my stay in this wonderful country. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me, and I’m excited to meet you at the next lesson!