Student News – Kenji’s safari motorcycle trip in Africa!!

Bond English student Kenji went on an incredible motorcycle safari trip in Kenya, Africa, let’s hear about his amazing journey!

Kenji took a 10.5-hr direct flight from Osaka to Dubai, and then a 4-hr flight from Dubai to Nairobi airport in Kenya.

He took a shuttle bus from the airport,

to his hotel, the Osoita Lodge. Osoita Lodge is very inexpensive, and very nice!

After checking in, Kenji went for a test-ride on the motorcycles he’d be using for the next week: Honda XR400’s + Honda XR250’s. Good idea to test the motorcycles, as they would be riding about 120km every day!

Kenji’s legs are a little short, so he had to stretch to touch the ground while sitting on the bikes. He had a small crash the first day, but luckily no injuries!

The safari members all had dinner together on the first night, there were 8 people in total, Kenji, Kenji’s friend + sister, and other Japanese people.

On Day 2, the group left the hotel in the morning and headed to Selengai. On the way, they stopped at a safari park, and all members took a car tour of the park. It was Kenji’s first time seeing zebras, elephants, and giraffes!

They also stopped for a lunch of lamb steak, with no utensils (forks, knives, spoons) and no chopsticks.  They ate with their hands!

While riding, they saw the classic African countryside:

That night, they stayed in Masai, a very small rural village where the people do not like cameras, but, the Masai people did agree to take this picture!

And had bean soup for dinner:

They slept in traditional houses, and saw some monkeys near their dinner table!

Also on Day 2, 1 member in his 70’s had to drop out due to a foot injury, and Kenji crashed a 2nd time!

On Day 3, they rode to Amboseli National Park, where they drove a convertible Toyota Land Cruiser on a wild safari.

They saw ostrich (ダチョウ),

and giraffes.

In Amboseli, they also took a boat ride on Amboseli Lake, and saw groups of wild hippos (カバ).

That night, they stayed at Kibo Safari Camp, with some baboons parked on the roof!

On Day 4, they rode to the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro and then onto Lake Jipe.

On the way, they saw lions and elephants!

And, had to stop on the road for a cow crossing:

They had near perfect weather for this pic of Kilimanjaro with zebras in the foreground:

And saw more lions:

When they got close to the base of Kilimanjaro, they prepared to ride uphill.

But, they got stuck in the mud while riding uphill!

And Kenji had one final crash!

That night, they stayed near Lake Jipe, on the Tanzanian border, in a town called Taita, near Tsavo National Park.

On Day 5, they rode to their  final destination, Mombasa, on the Kenyan coast, facing the Indian Ocean!

And then checked into their oceanside hotel:

Followed by their last dinner together as the African motorcycle safari group!

What an incredible experience Kenji.










