Student News – Taiki Goes Bungee Jumping!

Congratulations to Bond English student Taiki for his recent incredible bungee jumping trip!

The story begins at his recent birthday party at his friend’s house. Taiki stayed overnight with 10 friends where they had a lot of fun playing drinking games. They played trump card games, and the loser had to do a shot of either tequila or Jack Daniels. Taiki lost 12x! So, he blacked out!

He woke up the next day at 10:30 with no hangover, and he drove with 8 friends, in a Honda StepWagon, to Gifu. When they arrived in Gifu, Taiki received a surprise birthday present, his friends treated him to a free bungee jump!

After listening to a short lecture, filling out applications, and putting on a jumping suit, he walked 5-minutes from the bungee office to the launch spot.

When Taiki saw his friend jump first, he was scared, and he didn’t want to jump.

But, after stepping onto the launch platform, maybe the  staff pushed Taiki! He screamed as he flew through the air! He loved it! After the jump, he now wants to go again, and try sky diving too!


Great experience Taiki!


